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Cant export moc3 after updated model file from 4.2 to 5.2

Previously i use 4.2 to make this model and it can export moc3 normally,but after using 5.2 it just pop up exporting and closed in awhile but no file was exported
here provided the model file that saved after 5.2


  • Hi @sam989

    Thanks for using our products.

    Could you first tell us about the environment you use?
    - Live2D Software Version: (e.g. Cubism Editor 4.0.01)
    - OS & Version: (e.g. Windows 10, macOS HighSierra)
    - PC Model: (e.g. MacBookPro 2017)
    - Graphics Specifications: (e.g. GeForce GTX 950M)
    - CPU: (e.g. Intel Core i7-7700)
    - Memory: (e.g. 8GB)
    - Illustration Software used: (e.g. Photoshop, ClipStudio, SAI)

    Best regards.
  • Could you first tell us about the environment you use?
    - Live2D Software Version:cant remember but around 4.2.xx
    - OS & Version: Windows 11
    - PC Model:
    - Graphics Specifications: Nvidia 2060
    - CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600
    - Memory: 36gb
    - Illustration Software used: CSP

    Have Fixed after using 5.1 to export ,might have some bug on 5.2.02
  • Hi @sam989

    Thank you for your answer.
    Workarounds for this problem include

    Add a key to the minimum and maximum values of the parameter for which you set the repeat.

    We will continue to investigate this issue.
    Best regards.
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