Hello, I would be interested in a darker theme for the UI. (this is a rough example)

It would be very helpful when using the program at night, or if you just want something that's softer on the eyes.
I also have one more request, which is to merge the taskbar icons into one. I have a shortcut to CubismEditor4.exe but it creates a new program on the taskbar when I open it (image example):

I would prefer it if the launcher was the program itself, instead of opening a new program on the taskbar.
Thank you for your consideration!
8 ·
Thank you!
I could work much longer hours, and I would love a dark mode Please and Thank you!!
I think we really need this, since most Live2d cubism projects require long hours of work. When i use dark UI softwares, my eyes don't hurt as much as they do with Live2d 😭 this is really really essential
Thank you for your comments.
We have shared all of your requests with our development team.
We understand the many requests for dark modes.
We will keep this in mind for future development.
Thank you!