If you have any questions, reports, suggestions, or requests about Live2D, please send them to this forum.
※We cannot guarantee statements or answers from Live2D staff. Thank you for your understanding in advance.
Hello, @cillia We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. I understood your report. I have shared this bug with the developers. It will be fixed in a future update. Thanks for your report. Ho… (View Post)
Hello, @sakura_tw This is Live2D Support. Please do not use the github project you shared with us as it violates our Live2D Proprietary Software License Agreement. Also, modification of "live2d.… (View Post)
Hello, @Kotsuni Thank you for your contact. This is Live2D Support. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. I would like to confirm a few things. Does the CMO3 file of the sample model wor… (View Post)
Hi, @Kotsuni Thank you for your reply. Using Photoshop's script may fix the problem. https://www.live2d.com/en/download/ps-script/ In Photoshop, creating a new file and copying all the layers may sol… (View Post)
Hello, @luckystepbro Hello, @demonkun Thank you for your files. We investigated the cause of the problem and found that it was caused by overlapping images in the texture atlas. The problem could be … (View Post)