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WAV file won't import despite it being formatted correctly

It won't let me import a WAV file despite me formatting the file it literally told me to formats it as. It seems that Im the only one having this problem because I asked MULTIPLE of my Live2D friends to test and see if they could use it they said they could. So I thought my Live2D was bugged so I deleted it and went to go buy the newest version thinking maybe it just needs an update but after doing all of that it still doesn't work.

I didn't just pay for the freaking subscription just to not be able to use it.


  • edited March 25
    Hi @Miya

    Thanks for using our products.

    You also sent us an email, but we will reply to you in this community because we want to share our findings with other users.
    Please note that we will not reply to your email.

    First, please tell us about the environment you are using.
    - Live2D Software Version: (e.g. Cubism Editor 4.0.01)
    - OS & Version: (e.g. Windows 10, macOS HighSierra)
    - PC Model: (e.g. MacBookPro 2017)
    - Graphics Specifications: (e.g. GeForce GTX 950M)
    - CPU: (e.g. Intel Core i7-7700)
    - Memory: (e.g. 8GB)
    - Illustration Software used: (e.g. Photoshop, ClipStudio, SAI)

    Secondly, where did you install this product, on the C drive? If you have changed it to a location other than where it is installed by default, please tell us where you installed it.

    The audio file you attached to your email has been examined by us and no problems were found.
    To help us identify the cause, please store the following data in the data box
    ・The animation file (can3) that you tried to load the audio file into.
    ・Model files (cmo3) and image data that were placed in the animation file.
    ・Log files

    Data box.

    For information on how to obtain the logs, please check here.

    Best regards.
  • Hello! @ookubo

    - Live2D Software Version:The Newest one I think 5.2.02 I just bought it.
    - OS & Version: Microsoft Windows 11 Version 10.0.26100 Build 26100
    - PC Model: B560 DS3H AC-Y1
    - Graphics Specifications: Radeon RX 570 Series
    - CPU: 11th Gen Intel Core i5-11400F
    - Memory: 8.0 GB
    - Illustration Software used: Firealpaca, Ibispaint, and Procreate.

    I didn't change where it was initially installed the application is in my downloads. And the folders for Live2D that holds all the important information is in C:Users ect.

    It doesn't work in ANY animation files not new ones or even old animations that IK worked before, or even another animation file that uses the same audio.

    Again I've used many different models in this and it doesn't work for any of the models. Im also not the only one who uses these models as it's used by a whole crew of animators. The audio doesn't work for me but it does for my other colleges.
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