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Live2D Cubism
Cubism Products and Downloads
Cubism product manuals and tutorials
Cubism Editor Manual    Cubism Editor Tutorial    Cubism SDK Manual    Cubism SDK Tutorial
Cubism Editor 5.1 alpha3 is now available!

We have incorporated some of your comments and suggestions. Thank you for your comments and requests!
We will continue to welcome your feedback on alpha3.

Download/ Manual and Update History

Things that i liked to see live2d cubism in future

1- a key shortcut to open and close the select number of folders in cubism we are only able to open/close 1 or all folders if I want to open 3 folders relate to face in the parameters or part menu I have to click which one manually.
2-selection/navigation in deformers parts menu and parameters using the arrow key in the keyboard
3-key shortcuts here we can select the deformers parameters and art meshes in the witch menu without needing to use the mouse to select in witch menus , combining that with using the arrows key can be a huge time saver


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