[BUG] Changing Physics scale no longer updates the output max value?
I remember in earlier versions physics output max % will be automatically adjusted when we changed the scale.
I'm talking about these columns:

For example if the output max are 100% then we changed the scale to 0.5, the max output will be automatically adjust to the scale so it will show the output value as 50%.
But in recent version (4.1.01 on Windows) it no longer does that. Which is kind of annoying because now I need to press the Reset Output Max button if I want to see the output max changes. Is there a reason why it no longer does that?
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Thank you for your contact and report!
I'm sorry for causing you concern.
Successfully reproduced the problem and understood the bug.
I have shared this bug with the developers.
It will be fixed in a future update.
We appreciate your cooperation
Thank you.