Automatic mesh generator bug

hi i've been using live2d cubism for some months now and whenever i generate a mesh and undo the mesh then i try to generate the mesh again but the option the choose the type of mesh just disappears they also dont come back i try to restart or uninstall/reinstall the software the option are still gone now all the options r gone i cant auto generate a mesh at all
Cubism Editor 4.0.01
Windows 10
0 ·
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Live2D Software Version: (e.g. Cubism Editor 4.1.00 beta1)
OS & Version: (e.g. Windows 10, macOS HighSierra)
PC Model: (e.g. MacBookPro 2017)
Video card: (e.g. GeForce GTX 950M)
CPU: (e.g. Intel Core i7-7700)
Memory: (e.g. 8GB)
Illustration Software used: (e.g. Photoshop, ClipStudio, SAI)
Does this mean that the standard presets for [Automatic Mesh Generation] will be removed and will no longer be selectable?
We appreciate your cooperation
Thank you.