[BUG] PSD import with more than 5 nested groups is messing up hierarchy
I encountered a bug when I tried to import a PSD with more than 5 nested groups in the PSD file.
As you can see in the screenshot here the hierarchy in the Live2D import is different from the PSD.

I believe that it is because of a limitation of pre-CS6 PSD files which can't hold more than 5 nested groups, however as modern PSD file can support up to 10 nested groups could Live2D add support for that as well?
Thank you in advance.
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We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.
As you mentioned, Cubism Editor currently does not support the specification of nested groups updated after CS6.
We are now planning to support the feature in future updates.
We are afraid but please use PSD files that have layer groups with the specification of earlier versions before CS6 for now.
I am looking forward for the feature updates