While trying to learn the Unity SDK, I came across a rather strange error that I can't seem to work around in the sample files.

Best I can tell, it's not liking the fadeMotionList, no matter how I try to get it to work.
Similar issues happen when I try to run (and click on) the Demo under OriginalWorkflow.

Other issues I've had involve stuff like, when using the LookAt sample project, the parameters inspector shows the movement of the parameters, but nothing happens unless I manually mess with them in the inspector myself. Even building the file and running it doesn't have any change, but if I mess with the Parameter Inspector while playtesting the motions will work as expected. (but only while I'm messing with the parameters).
Tested on Cubism 4 SDK for Unity R2 (2021/01/12)
And on Unity Builds 2021.1.0b6(beta) and 2020.2.3f1
Cubism 4 SDK for Unity does not support Unity 2020 due to some bugs in the importer and other features.
Please use it with Unity 2019 projects.
Best regards.