I recently learned to how use
live2d sdk for native, and because of this I also had to learn
computer graphic programming, but there was a little difficulty in how to
display the live2d model to the screen.
I know there is a sample source code for that (
https://github.com/Live2D/CubismNativeSamples/tree/develop/Samples/OpenGL/), but it looks like the code is very
complex so I am very difficult to understand it, like what does
CubismOffscreenFrame_OpenGLES2 mean, different functions between
LAppView::PostModelDraw and
LAppView::PreModelDraw, the meaning of the
uvVertex variable.

I also found another reference about displaying the model to the screen using c ++ (
https://github.com/HTTdesu/SimpleFacerig/blob/master/SimpleFacerig/main.cpp)but the
version of live2d used is outdated, even though it's quite simple there works.
is there another simple example to display the model to the screen with c ++ and opengl? no need with motions, physics, setParam, etc. I just want to see an overview of the model.
This is the file main.cpp that I'm working on, I know this code is bad because of my ignorance about c++ and opengl. When run the program only displays a color according to the
glClearColor(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0f);
But why is the model not displayed on the screen I still don't understand. Is there someone who wants to help me?
This is my code https://github.com/HaxorEngine/Simple-Live2DViewer
can anyone find out why the model is not displayed?