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Cant Export .moc3 Live2D

Hello i need help, i cant export the file, when i see the logs file they said

[ERROR] net.arnx.jsonic.JSONException: 130: unexpected char: I
[ERROR] "I <- ?
[ERROR] at net.arnx.jsonic.parse.JSONParser.createParseException(
[ERROR] at net.arnx.jsonic.parse.TraditionalParser.afterValue(
[ERROR] at
[ERROR] at net.arnx.jsonic.JSONReader.getValue(
[ERROR] at net.arnx.jsonic.JSON.parse(
[ERROR] at net.arnx.jsonic.JSON.decode(
[ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.gameData.a.a.a(Unknown Source)
[ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.b$a.a(Unknown Source)
[ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.b$a.a(Unknown Source)
[ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.f.a(Unknown Source)
[ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.f.invoke(Unknown Source)
[ERROR] at com.live2d.util.ab.a(Unknown Source)
[ERROR] at Source)
[ERROR] at Source)

when i delete all parameter, i can export the file but when. i have try delete one by one the parameter but still cant found the problem~


  • Hello @alpian58

    Thank you for your interest in our products.
    We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

    I would like to check the files.
    Please send us the cmo3 file and the log file (log.txt).
    Please follow the instructions in the attached image to get the log file.

    [How to send a direct message]
    Click on my name, "enoko(staff)".
    My profile screen will open. Click on [Message] in the top right corner.
    The message sending screen opens.
    Click on the icon [Attach file] and select the file.
    Click [Post Message] to send the message.
    (Please compress the file. If the file is too large to be attached, use an upload site or similar)
  • @alpian58

    Only the log file was sent to us, but this is not enough for us to investigate.
    Please send me the cmo3 file as well.

    We will start the investigation as soon as we have the files.
    Best regards.
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