I was really looking forward to using live 2d cubism after seeing all the cool stuff you can make with it. I tried to open the editor and "Failed to initialize open gl" I tried to solve this problem with youtube videos and it did not work. My system is:
Intel Pentium R
8gb ram
1600x900 screen
Windows 10 64 - bit
Is there any version of live2d that would work for me or am I out of luck, If there is a way to fix the problem please help, what computer could I buy?
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Thank you for reaching out.
The error message saying “Failed to initialize OpenGL” will be shown when your computer environment does not meet the system requirements.
Please refer to the following page for the system requirements:
If the message is shown even when your environment meets the requirements, the graphic board might be disabled or the version of the graphic board is not up to date.
Please check the graphic board settings and its version.