Play animationClip failed on Android Devices with unity SDK.
I am using Unity sdk for live2d to develop an android app. I have tried to load a .model3.json file on sdcard of Android devices and invoked the `CubismMotionController.PlayAnimation` method, but the animationClip did not run. I have added 3 events to the AnimationClip and none of them is triggered. But using AnimationClip bundled in Unity resources, with the file name of ".anim", work well. I had to use the `CubismFadeController` to play the animation as an alternative, because it can play animation without AnimationClip. But it's just a workaround, not a good solution. I wonder whether anyone else also encountered such problems or who can tell me the reason for the problem. Thanks ahead.
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Is the AnimationClip you are playing generated by runtime?
AnimationClip generated by Unity at runtime will always be in legacy format.
Legacy AnimationClip cannot be played by Animator or Playable API.
Therefore, CubismFadeController and other functions of Cubism SDK that use these functions will not work properly.
There are two ways to solve this problem: either customize it to use the "Animation" component that plays Legacy style AnimationClip, or use an AnimationClip generated in Unity beforehand.