layer becomes invisible after adding art mesh
I have a model i was adding Artmesh to every part using the "Auto Standard" suddenly when i got to the legs as soon as i added the mesh the "drawing" dissapeared, is like the layer is still there, but i cant see the legs its like if they were hidden for some reason, if i open the manual editing i can see the legs if i select Display: Show model image in display menu, but i cant exit manual editing via Check Mark (its greyed out) because it opens an alert window saying "Inappropriate Meshes" when i click it.
Live2D Version: 4.0.05
OS: Win10
CPU: AMD FX-6300 Six-Core
GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060
Memory: 16GB
Illustration Software: I believe it was made via Photoshop, like 80% sure
So here the pictures:
- the first one is manual editing with the error window and i can see the legs
- the second one is outside of manual editing and i cant see the legs
- third one is without art mesh so i can see the legs
i tried it again in the third one and it does the same
Thanks in advance!

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Sorry for the late reply.
The problem could be that some of the art mesh is heavily recessed.
Make the left and right legs separately.
Best regards.