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Changing parameter minimum and maximum values to fit Facerig specifications

edited August 2020 in Help
I just finished making my model and giving it various animations to import it to facerig later on like a mouth deformer, EyeR Open and various others. However i noticed to late that the parameters i used for these movements went from a value of -30 to a value of 30. For parameters like Mouth Deform this is a problem, as the motion specifications in the FaceRig Live2D Avatars Documentaton state that the parameter needs to have a value between -1 and 1. So my question is if there is a way to change the min and max value of a parameter without loosing all of the progress achieved with changing objects via keyforms?


  • For anyone curious, i just figured it out myself. Just select all the objects affected by your parameter (for example for Mouth deform all mouth oieces like teeth, the closed, open mouth, etc.) then click on the parameter slider and select adjust. Its best to take a screenshot of how the markers for the parameter were placed with the too wide parameter value beforehand, as you now try to mimic the marker placement on the smaller parameter max/min line and adjust the bigger numbers accordingly. (For example when going from -30/30 to -1/1 -30 becomes -1, etc). After that right click and click on edit parameter. You may now change the min and max values without losing progress.
  • I never wanted to tell my past self something so bad. If anyone made the same mistake your welcome.
  • This is really late but thank you so much! I was seconds away from throwing something at my laptop- May your pillow be cold on both sides :D
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