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File won't output

I've changed the quality, added the canvas, exported as gif, etc. But NOTHING is working I'm currently using version 4.0, and everything else has been working fine


  • edited March 2020
    Thank you very much for always using our products.

    Are other types of exports successful?
    (Image, Still image, Movie)

    ▼ For question regarding Editor, please provide:
    - Live2D Software Version: (e.g. Cubism Editor 4.0.03)
    - OS & Version: (e.g. Windows 10, macOS HighSierra)
    - PC Model: (e.g. MacBookPro 2017)
    - Graphics Specifications: (e.g. GeForce GTX 950M)
    - Memory: (e.g. 8GB)

    Best regards.
  • so, i cant export my animation or whatever you call it. it just wont. it keeps telling me there was an error and that i need the atlas thing to export as a GIF. i tried, doesn't work. I've tried to do it with the movie export, again, it told me to turn on something, and it didn't. so if you could help me witht t
  • Hello @PanAstxroiid

    Thank you very much for always using our products.

    Are other types of exports successful?
    (Image, Still image, Movie)

    ▼ For question regarding Editor, please provide:
    - Live2D Software Version: (e.g. Cubism Editor 4.0.03)
    - OS & Version: (e.g. Windows 10, macOS HighSierra)
    - PC Model: (e.g. MacBookPro 2017)
    - Graphics Specifications: (e.g. GeForce GTX 950M)
    - Memory: (e.g. 8GB)

    Best regards.
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