Hello, I'd like to ask question about Cubism 3 SDK for Native.
I'd like to use Cusibm 3 SDK for Native to render Cubism 3 models using
LÖVE framework in conjunction with
Lua (LuaJIT) language. Due to performance reasons, creating Lua C binding of Cubism Core using
Lua C API is not allowed, but using
LuaJIT FFI (Foreign Function Interface) to load Cubism Core DLL/shared object is okay and in my case, that's preferred way to use external code that is in DLL/shared object. However this means I have to rewrite
CubismNativeFramework to Lua because using Lua C API to bind all the CubismNativeFramework would took long time and it's not allowed in the first place due to performance reasons.
My question is: Am I allowed to rewrite CubismNativeFramework to Lua? And once it's done, am I allowed to open-source my rewrite of CubismNativeFramework?
The use case you mentioned would be deemed as "porting".
Such ported SDK is subject to the Live2D Opensoftware License.
You will need to include comments of Live2D Opensoftware License in the header of your source code (along with Live2D copyrigh as well as your own copyright when necessary).
You can refer to below for the comments of Live2D Opensoftware License.
Please be careful with licenses of other third party libraries, as open source license that conflicts with Live2D Opensoftware License can not be applied.
If you comply with the above, you can publish the ported SDK on GitHub etc.