Have problem when call live2d opengl api
i want to call the live2d to draw animation at android plateform。 but the animation don't need directly show to surface, instead of pass each frame to other place. we create a pb buffer surface use API eglCreatePbufferSurface, and let the live2d draw on this surface, and use API glReadPixels read from GPU, we build a so library, and create a demo app to call this library. it's work ok. but when we ingergate to qcom hardware layer to call this library, can not work, we always got this error . but there have no detail description. i don't know how to debug this.
D/live2d ( 300): ******************** < ERROR[ 2]
@UtDebug > ********************
D/live2d ( 300): ******************** < ERROR[ 3]
@UtDebug > ********************
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