Typescript definition problem, missing class ALive2DModel in Live2DFramework.js
Hello there,
I'm currently working on a Live2D Angular2 application, for that purpose I created typings definitions for Live2DFramework, but once I finished I saw that one class was missing: ALive2DModel.
Where can I find this class? If I can't find this class I'll have to use any as type, which is not really good for a lib typings declaration.
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I think Alive2DModel is a class in the live2d.min.js .
You take the Alive2DModel in the following code . API Document also try to reference .
Good Luck!
Live2D API Reference
Problem now is that I don't know if the Live2D api doc you linked (the C++ doc) matches the JS API.
Do you know where I can find any ETA on some typings for Live2D? Or maybe any documentation on the JS version so I can make a typescript library wrapped around Live2D.