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Cubism Editor 5.1.00 beta1 is now available!

We have incorporated some of the feedback we received from those who tried the alpha version.
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All alpha versions will soon be closed to the public and will no longer be available.
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help with implementing a rubbing touch event.

edited December 2023 in Help
What is the easiest way to implement a rubbing touch event similar to that in games such as Nintendogs?
what is including in the sample in SDK only have flick,tap,shake event.
To achieve something similar to the rubbing (loving stroke) in Nintendogs, the flickevent doesent seem to be relevent enough.
Should I add the logic in TouchesMoved or TouchesBegan? And How should I do it properly?

Another question would be, how do I loop an animation?(for instance,when I am rubbing one's head,the head down animation loops).

Thank you very much,
Any help is much appreciated.
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