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I reinstalled the older version 2.1.06 and it works. Now I can go back to animation, but it's too bad that I can't use the newest version. Hopefully they'll fix it.
Same here, it seems files created from some imported PSDs are not working anymore (same error message). It really depends on the PSD as I have one here I can import in the new version and once I save a cmox file and open it again, I get the same error message. Some other PSDs are working anyway...no idea why
Here a PSD that won't work in the latest Live2D and I provided a cmox file made with it that can't open in the new version http://1drv.ms/22dYIAA
Wow, that was really fast. Thank you for letting us know Kakartha. I'll download it tonight. And thank you andi and the dev. team for fixing it so fast. You guys are awesome!
I haven't updated my own version yet, so I'm not sure if this will work. I suggest giving it a shot though.
I reinstalled the older version 2.1.06 and it works. Now I can go back to animation, but it's too bad that I can't use the newest version. Hopefully they'll fix it.
Some other PSDs are working anyway...no idea why
Here a PSD that won't work in the latest Live2D and I provided a cmox file made with it that can't open in the new version
Thank you very for providing the PSD file! It allowed the editor dev team to easily reproduce the error.