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[Feature Request] Paste Form Special for ArtMesh to be similar to Paste Form Special for Warp Deform

Hello! I'd like to request a feature in the Paste Form Special window for ArtMesh that's similar to Paste Form Special for Warp Deformer

The Paste Form Special for Warp Deformer has a checkbox for "Invert Coordinates" as well as a checkbox for "Flip the front and back side", allowing a singular Warp Deformer's left/right side to be able to reflect on its own other side. I would like to have this feature available for the Paste Form Special for ArtMesh as well.

At the moment, the Paste Form Special for ArtMesh only has a checkbox for "Invert Coordinates" that works when you copy and paste a form of one ArtMesh to another different ArtMesh. However, it does not work when you copy a form of a singular ArtMesh's left/right side and paste it on its other side.

I've attached a demo video featuring Paste Form Special for Warp Deformer and ArtMesh. Kindly note that the one for Warp Deformer is something I want to replicate in the ArtMesh as well, but I couldn't. I'm not sure if I'm missing something, but do let me know!

I hope this can be considered in the future updates! Thank you very much!


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