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Can't Export the file to moc3 file

(English is not my first language so I apologize)

I face a problem with exporting the file. the saving bar was appeared but just for a short time, not even finished. When I checked the folder there's nothing inside. I've tried another file and it worked but not with the one I need. The size is not even that much.

Live2D Software Version: Cubism Editor 5.0.00
OS & Version: Windows 11
PC Model: Asus ROG Strix 16
Graphics Specifications: GeForce RTX 4060
CPU: 13th Gen Intel Core i7-13650HX
Memory(RAM): 16GB


  • It can be multiple reasons, do you have the log once you try to render ? (you can open it on the tab, on windows and it says log, and show me what is in there, usually will be a big red thing, there are some limitations of the program that doens't let you render a file (Did you use glue by any chance?) Could be also an artmesh problem... without the log (or the file) I can't help you on it >_ <
  • edited February 8
    I don't know what to share from the log because there's no red thing or even error, they look fine. I don't know if artmesh can be a problem, may I know what can be a problem? for me there's a little warning that can be ignored which is the "artmesh are masks but they are hidden or guide images" I've tried to looking to fix it but failed so I just ignore it. If glue can be a problem then might be it is because I use plenty glue especially with skinning. Is there any limitation with glue? I can just throw it away if it necessary bcs it's kinda frustrating 🥲 or maybe you have suggestion to fix it?

    An update, There's actually some error when i try to export it again

    [ERROR] ===== [CFormGuid #3016320 (364705c1-ea2f-4a9a-8623-a5aa4314da09)|debug info= Key [ MorphTarget: default off ] / CArtMeshForm] not found / keyforms : [CFormGuid #3018394 (647bfa74-b38e-4594-a112-a36707c4178c)|debug info= Key [ ] / CArtMeshForm], [CFormGuid #3022981 (23479f38-e0e5-452e-a94d-46bb5811ca38)|debug info= Key [ MorphTarget: default off ] / CArtMeshForm]
    [ERROR] java.lang.NullPointerException
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.ACParameterControllableSource.getKeyForm(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.drawable.artMesh.CArtMeshSource.getKeyForm(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.q.a(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.v$a.j(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.v$a.g(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.v.a(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.b.a(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.b.a(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.d.a(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.d.invoke(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.util.ab.a(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.util.aa.a(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at java.base/ Source)
    [ERROR] java.lang.NullPointerException
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.ACParameterControllableSource.getKeyForm(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.drawable.artMesh.CArtMeshSource.getKeyForm(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.q.a(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.v$a.j(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.v$a.g(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.v.a(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.b.a(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.b.a(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.d.a(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.d.invoke(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.util.ab.a(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.util.aa.a(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at java.base/ Source)
  • Yep it seems like an artmesh error !!! (or strange name/language of an artmesh error or bugged parameter)
    The only way to see what is failing is start deleting like half the model and rendering until you pinpoint the artmesh problem and redo that artmesh (usually the borders fail to complete and then that doesn't work on the render )

    If it is the aprameter (that i dont think it is but still check please) on the list of parameters, is there any parameter that appeared on top and once you move it start generating errors? if not , the solution is the one I gave with the render because is the artmesh error... i hope it helps (or if the devs can help you pinpoint exactle the artmesh, but they are usually busy :( )

  • Woahh that's helpful! I've tried to do what you said, try deleting to find what part the problem is and yeah the problem in mine is the skinning. thank you so much!
  • Oh wait, i've tried to export again and the error appear on the log

    [ERROR] ===== [CFormGuid #3016320 (364705c1-ea2f-4a9a-8623-a5aa4314da09)|debug info= Key [ MorphTarget: default off ] / CArtMeshForm] not found / keyforms : [CFormGuid #3018394 (647bfa74-b38e-4594-a112-a36707c4178c)|debug info= Key [ ] / CArtMeshForm], [CFormGuid #3022981 (23479f38-e0e5-452e-a94d-46bb5811ca38)|debug info= Key [ MorphTarget: default off ] / CArtMeshForm]
    [ERROR] java.lang.NullPointerException
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.ACParameterControllableSource.getKeyForm(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.drawable.artMesh.CArtMeshSource.getKeyForm(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.q.a(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.v$a.j(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.v$a.g(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.v.a(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.b.a(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.b.a(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.d.a(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.d.invoke(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.util.ab.a(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.util.aa.a(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at java.base/ Source)
    [ERROR] java.lang.NullPointerException
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.ACParameterControllableSource.getKeyForm(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.drawable.artMesh.CArtMeshSource.getKeyForm(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.q.a(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.v$a.j(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.v$a.g(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.v.a(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.b.a(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.b.a(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.d.a(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.d.invoke(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.util.ab.a(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at com.live2d.util.aa.a(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at java.base/ Source)
  • It seems is the same problem, try redoing the artmesh manually of the skinning so it doesn't happen >_ <
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