Unity 2022.3.55 with SDK 5r3: Model Prefabs relabeling themselves to Model on Runtime
So the issue is we updated from SDK 4r6 to 5R3 to get the updated framework setup, and the future proofing for cubism 5 and beyond.
The issue is we have models with prefabs set up for specific scenes with different names. However, all the prefabs were renamed to the default model names the moment they are put in a scene or in another prefab.
No other prefabs react this way. And it even happens during runtime. Would appreciate being pointed in the right direction on where the name checks are in the SDK so we can alter them. Thank you!
I checked in the CubismModel3JsonImporter CS but it's not clear if that is the issue. Anywhere else I can look?
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This is Live2D staff.
The name of the Prefab for the Cubism model is set in CubismModel.Reset().
It may be a solution to prevent this process from taking place at times when it is not needed.
Best regards.