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What could be causing performance variations & issues between hardware?

edited July 2024 in Help
As I work with some large models, live2d performance is very important. Over the past year I have noticed a wide variation between computers and would be very interested what might be causing it?

I'm making this post now, as I was able to test in a more controlled environment with some interesting results.
I tested:
Live2d: 5.0.6/5.1
- Ryzen 6900HX (RTX 3080 ti) - 17fps
- Ryzen 6900HX (iGPU) - 25fps
- Ryzen 8700G (iGPU) - 25 fps
- Ryzen 7800X3d (iGPU) - 42fps
They all have 8 cores with similar max clock speeds. The 6900HX & 3080ti surprisingly scored the lowest results, with the 7800X3D & iGPU getting 2.5x the fps in the physics window (Screenshot below). The integrated graphics on the 7800X3D is very low performance, so I was quite surprised at the results. In comparison the 8700G has similar specs, but still scored lower with a higher spec iGPU. Hence I was wondering if something like V-cache could be causing a bottle neck? The V-cache on the 7800X3d is much larger than normal. Or maybe another factor that is different between the 8700G and 7800X3D?

Here is some tests with other riggers computers. The only computer to reach similar results to the 7800X3D with iGPU was the 14700f + 4070 ti super and 5800x3d + 4070 ti.

FPS test results using a high spec model (fps when moving the model in the editor and in the physics window):
Please note the tests are a bit rough, but hopefully help in getting an idea of the performance variation.

Other riggers computers:

My own computers:

In addition I would also like to note I am getting cpu spike/micro stutter like in the thread below. All tests have some degree of stutter. With more consistent spikes/stutter on larger models & the 7800x3d.

relevant thread:
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