HELP!! My model does not want to be exported and I get this strange error code
It doesn't let me export it nor does it even create files in the intended folder, and it is only this model because in others it does export them, someone help me solve this problem aaaaa!!!
[ERROR] java.lang.NullPointerException
[ERROR] at Source)
[ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.b$a.a(Unknown Source)
[ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.b$a.a(Unknown Source)
[ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.d.a(Unknown Source)
[ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.d.invoke(Unknown Source)
[ERROR] at com.live2d.util.ah.a(Unknown Source)
[ERROR] at Source)
[ERROR] at java.base/ Source)
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Thanks for using our products.
Thank you also for contacting us via the contact form.
We apologize for the delay, but we will respond in order, so please refrain from multi-posting.
Export may fail if the data is too large, for example.
There are various causes of large data.
PSD size is too large
Parameters are not set properly
Too many extended interpolations are used, etc...
First, please check for such problems by referring to the manual.
Also, if the PC you are using does not meet our recommended conditions, it may not work correctly.
Best regards.