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Cubism Editor 5.0 locks on opening, login error?

edited April 2024 in Help
Cubism Editor won’t open, version 5.0.05
My environment: Dell Precision Tower 7810, Windows 10 Pro, 64bit, All software Current as of 04/14/2024.
R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 v4 @ 2.60GHz 2.60 GHz (2 processors), total 28 cores, 128gb Ram.
GPU: Geforce RTX 4060 ti OC 16gb DDR6 Vram. 2.4 Terabytes in 3 SSD volumes.
Comments below log.

2024.04.14 at 17:41:41 EDT INFO com.live2d.cubism.CECubismEditorApp -1 main - path : C:\Users\Stan\AppData\Roaming
2024.04.14 at 17:41:42 EDT INFO com.live2d.cubism.CECubismEditorApp -1 d - Found GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 Ti (Driver=551.86)
2024.04.14 at 17:41:42 EDT INFO com.live2d.ui.FlatLaF.a -1 ax - color theme version (1).
2024.04.14 at 17:41:42 EDT INFO com.live2d.ui.FlatLaF.a -1 ax - color theme version (1).
2024.04.14 at 17:41:42 EDT INFO jpen.provider.NativeLibraryLoader$4 166 run - loading JPen 2-150301 JNI library: jpen-2-3-64 ...
2024.04.14 at 17:41:42 EDT INFO jpen.provider.NativeLibraryLoader$4 179 logOnFail - jpen-2-3-64 couldn't be loaded
2024.04.14 at 17:41:42 EDT INFO jpen.provider.NativeLibraryLoader 73 load - no suitable JNI library found
2024.04.14 at 17:41:43 EDT INFO com.live2d.cubism.CECubismEditorApp -1 a - ======================================================================
2024.04.14 at 17:41:43 EDT INFO com.live2d.cubism.CECubismEditorApp -1 a - ======================================================================
2024.04.14 at 17:41:43 EDT INFO com.live2d.cubism.CECubismEditorApp -1 a -
2024.04.14 at 17:41:43 EDT INFO com.live2d.cubism.CECubismEditorApp -1 a - Live2D Cubism Editor ver5.0.05 [ 500050001 / 2024/03/12]
2024.04.14 at 17:41:43 EDT INFO com.live2d.cubism.CECubismEditorApp -1 a -
2024.04.14 at 17:41:43 EDT INFO com.live2d.cubism.CECubismEditorApp -1 a - ======================================================================
2024.04.14 at 17:41:43 EDT INFO com.live2d.cubism.CECubismEditorApp -1 a - ======================================================================
2024.04.14 at 17:41:43 EDT INFO com.live2d.cubism.CECubismEditorApp -1 a - Sun Apr 14 17:41:43 EDT 2024
2024.04.14 at 17:41:44 EDT INFO res.g -1 - BASE : jar:file:/C:/Program%20Files/Live2D%20Cubism%205.0/app/lib/Live2D_Cubism.jar!/res/ @IRes_Design
2024.04.14 at 17:41:46 EDT WARN -1 e - load [ ] : 316.297 msec (OVER 30ms)
2024.04.14 at 17:41:46 EDT INFO com.live2d.cubism.appCtrlImpl.ui.f.Y -1 a - src group not found : Main
2024.04.14 at 17:41:46 EDT WARN com.live2d.cubism.appCtrlImpl.ui.f.a -1 a - User keyboard shortcut setting not exists : C:\Users\Stan\AppData\Roaming\Live2D\Cubism5_Editor\settings\shortcut40.xml
2024.04.14 at 17:41:46 EDT INFO com.live2d.cubism.g -1 bg - java2d graphics pipeline[ sun.java2d.opengl = NotSet ]
2024.04.14 at 17:41:46 EDT INFO com.live2d.cubism.g -1 bg - java2d graphics pipeline[ sun.java2d.d3d = false ]
2024.04.14 at 17:41:46 EDT INFO com.live2d.cubism.g -1 bg - java2d graphics pipeline[ sun.java2d.noddraw = NotSet ]
2024.04.14 at 17:41:46 EDT INFO com.live2d.cubism.g -1 bg - java2d graphics pipeline[ sun.java2d.metal = NotSet ]
2024.04.14 at 17:41:46 EDT INFO com.live2d.cubism.view.CEMainFrameCtrl -1 outputUIScaleInfo - application ui scale : 100.00%
2024.04.14 at 17:41:52 EDT INFO com.live2d.c.e -1 e - [3] [2][0][0][][1713130912284]
2024.04.14 at 17:41:52 EDT INFO com.live2d.c.e -1 e - [4] [1][-1][0][-1][0]
2024.04.14 at 17:41:52 EDT INFO com.live2d.c.e -1 e - [1] [1][-1][0][-1][0]
2024.04.14 at 17:41:54 EDT INFO com.live2d.c.e -1 e - [3] [2][0][0][][1713130912284]
2024.04.14 at 17:41:54 EDT INFO com.live2d.c.e -1 e - [4] [1][-1][0][-1][0]
2024.04.14 at 17:41:54 EDT INFO com.live2d.c.e -1 e - [1] [1][-1][0][-1][0]
2024.04.14 at 17:41:54 EDT INFO jp.noids.util.aO -1 d - calc screen size @UtGui : 0.053 msec
2024.04.14 at 17:41:54 EDT INFO com.live2d.graphics3d.shader.w -1 a - ---------- OpenGL Environment ----------
2024.04.14 at 17:41:54 EDT INFO com.live2d.graphics3d.shader.w -1 a - Version : 4.6.0 NVIDIA 551.86
2024.04.14 at 17:41:54 EDT INFO com.live2d.graphics3d.shader.w -1 a - Vendor : NVIDIA Corporation
2024.04.14 at 17:41:54 EDT INFO com.live2d.graphics3d.shader.w -1 a - Renderer : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 Ti/PCIe/SSE2
2024.04.14 at 17:41:54 EDT INFO com.live2d.graphics3d.shader.w -1 a - Extensions : GL_AMD_multi_draw_indirect
2024.04.14 at 17:41:54 EDT INFO com.live2d.graphics3d.shader.w -1 a - ----------------------------------------

forced to delete bulk of logfile here. --------

2024.04.14 at 17:42:09 EDT INFO com.live2d.util.e.m -1 N - enable AltProcessor focus patch.
2024.04.14 at 17:42:10 EDT INFO com.live2d.cubism.appCtrlImpl.ui.motionSync.a.b$a -1 a - engine path : C:\Program Files\Live2D Cubism 5.0\app\dll64\Live2DCubismMotionSyncEngine_CRI.dll
2024.04.14 at 17:42:15 EDT INFO jp.noids.util.aO -1 d - check update @AppCtrl_System : 5,561.53 msec
2024.04.14 at 18:05:08 EDT INFO com.live2d.serialize.archiver.ArchiveWriter -1 verifyAfterWrite - Verify after save : SUCCESS
2024.04.14 at 18:05:08 EDT INFO com.live2d.cubism.appCtrlImpl.ui.motionSync.a.b$a -1 c - engine is released.
2024.04.14 at 18:05:08 EDT INFO com.live2d.cubism.appCtrlImpl.aY -1 c - -- successfully exited –

It appears that there was a problem with my login confirmation \ registration. I have an account under XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX username: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX This account definitely exists, but my password does not work, further more, password reset never sends an email. I am guessing this is a registration problem, not a software bug, so I will have to call support yes?
Editor 5 locks on opening, all buttons only beep, not even File, Help, or “X” exit. Live2D message window does pop up; but that is it.
Google translate:
ログイン確認または登録に問題があるようです。私は XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXというユーザー名のアカウントを持っています。このアカウントは確実に存在しますが、パスワードが機能しないため、さらにパスワードリセットもメールを送信しません。これはソフトウェアのバグではなく、登録の問題であると思われますので、サポートに電話する必要があるでしょうね。12
Editor 5は起動時にロックされ、すべてのボタンがビープ音しか出さない状態で、ファイル、ヘルプ、または**「X」**ボタンでさえ終了しません。Live2Dのメッセージウィンドウは表示されますが、それだけです。1


  • edited April 2024
    Forgot to add that no request to enter the license Key is made, lock up happens first apparently. should I try to uninstall Editor and install alpha version 5.1 ?? Are Intel Xeon processors supported?
  • Hi @AMG08
    Thanks for using our products.

    Do you have more than one display connected to your PC?
    Are you also running other software?
    You may see a notification window behind another display or behind another software window.
    If this is the case, try finding the hidden window and clicking the x button.
    If these do not apply, please attach a screenshot of the problem.

    If you have any problems with your login information, please contact us using the contact information below.
    The item you should select is Pro License.

    Please note that we have edited your post as it contained personal information.

    Best regards.
  • Sorry for the delay in responding, have been on vacation for a week. I have a 24 inch HP display as primary and a 27 inch LG display as secondary. Display mode is "extended". Other software is Norton AV 360, Fixit Utilities Pro, Arksoft photo studio 6, InPixio Photo Studio 12, GIMP 2.10.34, 'Easy Stable Diffusion', VLC media player, Any DVD player, Epson Perfection V600 scanner, MS Office 365 pro, JAVA, Python 3.10, Google Chrome, GIT utilities, Brother print driver. Live2D Editor is frozen, can not close or move, all buttons only give windows beep jingle. According to Task manager, it is running, end process is how I kill it. will check with the licensing dept.

    返信が遅れて申し訳ありませんが、一週間休暇をとっています。 プライマリとして24インチのHPディスプレイ、セカンダリとして27インチのLGディスプレイを使用しています。 表示モードは「拡張」です。その他のソフトウェアは、Norton AV 360、Fixit Utilities Pro、Arksoft photo studio 6、InPixio Photo Studio 12、GIMP 2.10.34、「Easy Stable Diffusion」、VLCメディアプレーヤー、Any DVDプレーヤー、Epson Perfection V600スキャナー、MS Office 365 pro、JAVA、Python 3.10、Google Chrome、GITユーティリティ、ブラザープリンタードライバーです。 Live2D Editorがフリーズし、閉じたり移動したりできず、すべてのボタンがウィンドウにビープ音を鳴らすだけです。 タスクマネージャーによると、それは実行されており、プロセスの終了は私がそれを強制終了する方法です。ライセンス部門に確認します。
  • Hi @AMG08
    Thanks for the reply.

    I see that you also inquired by email, but I will answer on this forum as it seems to be a problem before entering the license.

    Are all of these software programs running at the same time?
    If so, please close them all.
    Then please verify the steps guided in the following site.

    Best regards.
  • The Editor is the first thing I click after booting, The other things running are Norton 360, Fix it utilities, and the Epson scan monitor. These are all running in "TSR" mode, terminate and stay resident.
  • edited May 2024
    Running in admin mode and launching bat file, no change, moving LIve2D user file, no change. note error message in bat CMD line:
    "jpen-2-3-64 Couldnt be Loaded" ... "No suitable JNI library found". I have followed all instructions in the /cubism-does-not-start-win/ web page. No luck yet. I am now going to uninistall as many apps as I can from my Dell Precision 7810 system.
  • Removing all non essential apps has failed to fix the problem, Registry cleaning failed also. I have saved a copy of the Bat cmd file results if you need it. next I'm going to try to uninstall 5.0.05 and install the 5.1 alpha. I have not received confirmation that my license \ registration is good, per my help request.
    重要でないアプリをすべて削除しても問題は解決せず、レジストリのクリーニングも失敗しました。 必要に応じて、Bat cmdファイルの結果のコピーを保存しました。次に、5.0.05をアンインストールして、5.1アルファをインストールしようとします。 ヘルプリクエストごとに、ライセンス登録が良好であるという確認を受け取っていません。
  • Success! completely uninstalled old version, cleaned registry, rebooted and then installed version 5.1 Alpah 2. automated license verification was successful. At least it is not locked up, basic button functions work. need to study videos for newbies to test data manipulation \ model work.
    成功! 古いバージョンを完全にアンインストールし、レジストリをクリーンアップし、再起動してからバージョン5.1 Alpah 2をインストールしました。 自動ライセンス検証が成功しました。 少なくともロックされておらず、基本的なボタン機能が機能します。 初心者がデータ操作モデル作業をテストするためにビデオを勉強する必要があります。
  • Is live 2D compatible with Stable Diffusion Automatic 1111 and Controlnet? (local not web based)
  • upgrade to Alpha 3 was successful, just FYI, upgrade to 'Easy Stable Diffusion' version 3 installed successfully, but will not launch; numerous files were identified as "dubious ownership" and windows 10 error 127 "Procedure could not be found" ... "\torch-cuda-cpp.dll" Oh I've had such a fun day today :-/
    Alpha 3へのアップグレードは成功しましたが、参考までに、「Easy Stable Diffusion」バージョン3へのアップグレードは正常にインストールされましたが、起動しません。多数のファイルが「疑わしい所有権」として識別され、Windows 10エラー127「手順が見つかりませんでした」... "torch-cuda-cpp.dll" ああ、今日はとても楽しい一日を過ごしました:-/
  • I now know that my custom themes (slide show) and Gimp photo editor were not the source of my problem.
  • edited May 2024
    Hi @AMG08

    We are relieved to hear that you were able to get Cubism Editor up and running.

    We are currently unable to answer questions about the compatibility of our products with third-party products.

    We recommend that you quit any software that may prevent proper operation in the future before launching Cubism Editor.

    Best regards.
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