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Unable to Export as mocs3 file once skinning has been added

I'm new to using Live2D Cubism Editor 4.0, but I've already made several successful version exports as I've been working on my model. Initially, everything has been going well. I've got the texture atlas working and have managed to export my model several times without any issue; however, once I've added some skinning with the Rotation Deformer Creation Tool the model no longer exports. It still runs through the whole saving dialogue thing when I use Export For Runtime. However, no files will be generated in the folder I've designated the export to be saved to.

My Specs:
- Live2D Software Version: 4.0.09 (Free Version)
- OS & Version: macOS High Sierra 10.13.6
- PC Model: 2017 MacBook Pro
- Graphics Specifications: Intel Iris Plus Graphics 650 1536 MB
- Processor: 3.5 GHz Intel Core i7
- Memory: 16 GB
- Available Storage: 407.19 GB
- Illustration Software Used: ClipStudioPaint

My Model Statistics:

<< Common Data >>
Number of Parts : 28

<< Deformer Data >>
Number of Warp Deformers : 43
Number of Rotation Deformers : 6
Number of Interpolations in Deformers : 135

Number of Deformers with Only One Draw Element : 11
Number of Deformers with Only One Deformer : 18
Number of Deformers with No Content : 0

<< ArtMesh Related >>
Number of ArtMesh : 51
Number of Interpolation ArtMesh : 129
Number of Vertices : 2845
Number of Polygons : 4297
Number of ArtPath:0
Number of ArtPath's control points:0

<<Relating to Clipping Masks>>
Clippings used: 7
Mask ID permutation types: 3
Objects with moc3 output issues: 0

I've also included my error log starting from when I load up my model file:

[INFO ] -- load document end ( 3.68)--
[INFO ] positions is not available in GMesh / Test TextEntity [GAsciiTextEntity]
[INFO ] uvs is not available in GMesh / Test TextEntity [GAsciiTextEntity]
[INFO ] positions is not available in GMesh / Record TextEntity [GAsciiTextEntity]
[INFO ] uvs is not available in GMesh / Record TextEntity [GAsciiTextEntity]
[WARN ] setupTexture : # 143.000 MB Increased
[INFO ] reset
[WARN ] Update Parameter Structure : 100.351 msec (OVER 100ms)
[INFO ] calc screen size @UtGui : 0.008 msec
[INFO ] Texture Atlas does not contain:
[ERROR] kotlin.KotlinNullPointerException
[ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.bB.a(Unknown Source)
[ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.b$a.a(Unknown Source)
[ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.b$a.a(Unknown Source)
[ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.f.a(Unknown Source)
[ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.f.invoke(Unknown Source)
[ERROR] at Source)
[ERROR] at Source)
[ERROR] at

Please let me know what may possibly be the cause of this. It's my first time working with skinning so I'm not sure if it has anything to do with the glue issue that seems to have been happening to others.


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