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Deformer Referencing

It would be nice to have a feature like "Glue Compatibility" for deformers of the same type. Vertices can reference the position of each other based on user defined weights and compatibility and this would extend the usage of deformers and potentially cut back on complex animations.

  • Rotation Deformer A references Rotation Deformer B
  • Compatibility 0: Rotation Deformer A acts as if nothing controls it
  • Compatibility 50: Rotation Deformer A moves as if it's being pulled by B
  • Compatibility 100: Rotation Deformer A acts entirely like it's Rotation Deformer B
  • Items Switching hands
  • Items Switching animations/blending between them
  • Items being controlled entirely or fully dependent (Item is on head vs Item has fallen to the floor)


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