Automesh generation factors
This is more of a question for inner working of Live2D Editor, I noticed automesh is giving different result on different projects. For example in one project 'Standard' automesh preset gives a fairly dense mesh but in other project 'Standard' preset is giving mesh with bigger margin and fewer polygons which can be not ideal.
Does the canvas resolution affect how Automesh generate the mesh? Or are there other factors at play?
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Thank you for always using our products.
Sorry for the late reply.
We are currently investigating, so please wait for a while.
We will contact you if there is any progress.
If the automatically generated "Point spacing" is set to "100",
Both large Artmesh and small Artmesh are calculated to have the same "100" interval and vertices are generated.
As a result, Artmesh I think the density looks different compared to it.
Large Artmesh or small Artmesh If you don't get the expected result
Please adjust the automatically generated values.
Thank you.