Additional Blendshape Features
Here's a list of additional blend shape features that I think would really benefit Live2D:
- Allow for negative weight limits and limits greater than 100%. (Similar to how the Blend Form allows this)
- Blend shape Target (Instead of modifying the mesh / values directly, simply let the blend shape target another invisible mesh / deformer, matching the values)
- Extended Interpolation on Weight Limits
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Thank you for always using our products.
> - Blend shape Target (Instead of modifying the mesh / values directly, simply let the blend shape target another invisible mesh / deformer, matching the values)
> - Extended Interpolation on Weight Limits
I couldn't understand these two points in detail (due to the language barrier). very sorry.
Please provide more details about your request so that we can properly share it with the development team.
It would be very helpful if you could attach an explanatory image.
Thank you for your valuable feedback.