Already activated license, says unregistered?
I have had an activated license for a while. Today I tried opening the program and it gave me the original activation questions ex. PRO and Trial activation, Purchase PRO license, etc. It also tells me my account is unregistered. I have never deactivated my license and I am up to date with the program. I tried to activate my already activated license to fix the issue (which didn't work either). My internet connection is normal, though a storm is happening. I wondered if this was the sort of thing I had to wait for the internet to stabilize. If it doesn't work even after full internet access, I am unsure what to do next. Any ideas? Thanks.
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From December 18th around 4:00 AM (Japan Time), our license server has been experiencing trouble, and Live2D Cubism Editor licenses cannot be authenticated and the PRO version of the software cannot be started.
We apologize for any inconvenience it has caused. We are currently working to recover the situation as soon as possible.
Also, please check Official X for future information.