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How do I loop a motion while touch swiping?

edited December 2023 in Help
I'm in process of understanding the framework right now. I've examined the SampleApp1 code and I can see that if I swipe on the head, it will only play the motion once. Same goes for the body.
How do I make a motion keep looping when I swipe on the head? When I swipe on the head or the body, it will loop same motion over and over until I released my touch and it will slowly fade to idle state.

It's kind of something like this (skip to 3:21)
While that it seems it only loops the face expression but I wonder if I can apply motion for the whole parts too.

Thank you :)



  • Hi, Ran_TH .

    Try to modify the code as follows .
    The modified point was put comments (Add Code) .

    public class LAppModelProxy : MonoBehaviour
        public String path="";
        public int sceneNo = 0;
        private LAppModel model;
        //---- Add Code start(set swip motion file) ----//
        public TextAsset swipingMtn;
        //---- Add Code end(set swip motion file) ----//
        private bool                isVisible = false ;
    	void Awake()
            if (path == "") return;
            model = new LAppModel(this);
            var filename = FileManager.getFilename(path);
            var dir = FileManager.getDirName(path);
            Debug.Log("Load " + dir +"  filename:"+ filename);
    		model.LoadFromStreamingAssets(dir, filename);
        	// Add Code start(load swip motion file) ----//
                model.swipingMotion = Live2DMotion.loadMotion (swipingMtn.bytes);
        	// Add Code end(load swip motion file) ----//
    set the swiping .mtn

        public void Init(String modelJson)
            eyeBlink = new L2DEyeBlink();
            updating = false;
            initialized = true;
        //---- Add Code start ----//
        bool isSwiping = false;
        public void setSwiping(bool b)
            isSwiping = b;
    	// All stop Motion
        public void stopAllMotions()
            mainMotionManager.stopAllMotions ();
        public AMotion swipingMotion;
        int motionno=-1;
        //---- Add Code end ----//
        public void Update()
            if ( ! isInitialized() || isUpdating())
            if (live2DModel == null)
                if (LAppDefine.DEBUG_LOG) Debug.Log("Can not update there is no model data");
            if (!Application.isPlaying)
            long timeMSec = UtSystem.getUserTimeMSec() - startTimeMSec;
            double timeSec = timeMSec / 1000.0;
            double t = timeSec * 2 * Math.PI;// 2πt
            if (mainMotionManager.isFinished())
                StartRandomMotion(LAppDefine.MOTION_GROUP_IDLE, LAppDefine.PRIORITY_IDLE);
            //---- Add Code start ----//
            if (mainMotionManager.isFinished (motionno) && isSwiping && swipingMotion!=null) 
                Debug.Log ("----- SWIPING -----");
                motionno = mainMotionManager.startMotion (swipingMotion);
            //---- Add Code end ----//
            bool update = mainMotionManager.updateParam(live2DModel);
    	void Update () {
            if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
                lastX = Input.mousePosition.x;
                lastY = Input.mousePosition.y;
            else if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
                if (lastX == Input.mousePosition.x && lastY == Input.mousePosition.y)
                lastX = Input.mousePosition.x;
                lastY = Input.mousePosition.y;
                //---- Add Code start(When no swipping) ----//
                GameObject.Find ("Live2D_Canvas_Haru").GetComponent<LAppModelProxy> ().GetModel ().setSwiping (true);
                //---- Add Code end(When no swipping) ----//
            else if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))
                lastX = -1;
                lastY = -1;
                //---- Add Code start(When no swipping) ----//
                GameObject.Find ("Live2D_Canvas_Haru").GetComponent<LAppModelProxy> ().GetModel ().setSwiping (false);
                GameObject.Find ("Live2D_Canvas_Haru").GetComponent<LAppModelProxy> ().GetModel ().stopAllMotions ();
                //---- Add Code end(When no swipping) ----//
    The result will be this way .
  • edited December 2015
    You're truly a hero, naotaro. Thank you so much :D
    Now I've noticed, it does loop the motion, but at the end of motion, it will jump back to first frame. Can I make the loop returning to specific frame instead of first frame?

    I'd like to make my model keep in blushing state with eyes shut until I released my touch.

    Or should I used Expressions for this? I'm thinking like... when the motion ends, I switched to display the expression mimicking last frame of the motion.
  • Thanks! I'm aiming to Live2D hero o:)

    However , I don't know how to loop returning to specific frame .

    It is you're right .
    If your model keep in blushing state with eyes shut,
    I think that it is good to use Expressions motion also together .

    There is a simple Expressions use source in the past of thread .
    Please be here in reference .

    How do I change the model's expressions in Unity during gameplay?

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