How can I change motions in the sample app project by mouse clicks?
i wonder if i use sampleApp1, can i change motion by click the button that i made in unity?
for example:
button 1 = motion A
button 2 = motion B
button 3 = motion C
and i want after motion finished, motion back to iddle motion.
thank you
0 ·
・argument1 = model.json - GroupID("idle", "tap_body", "pinch_in", "shake"...)
・argument2 = model.json - GroupID - File number(0, 1, 2, from the top ...)
・argument3 = 2(fixed) → Priority
Please try this.
・Specified motion playback in SampleApp1 of Live2D
is LAppModelProxy.cs has function to stop motion (except idle motion) while playing ?
I think it would be more fun i can control when motion of my model stop
it say:
Assets/Scripts/sample/LAppModel.cs(197,22): error CS0136: A local variable named `update' cannot be declared in this scope because it would give a different meaning to `update', which is already used in a `parent' scope to denote something else
Do you have what code to 197 line ?
here the code in 197 line.
i found error code come from the code that you give
i wonder, am i wrong write the code that you give or something?
because i really follow your instruction correctly
i upload code from LAppModel.cs and LAppModelProxy.cs
Please look at my wrote code!
The code in 197 line is comment out.
thank you a lot
now my motion can stop but the audio still running.
can audio set like motion too?
Voice stop is add the following code.
thank you naotaro, you really help me