Archive and Upload Metal Demo Sample to Testflight
Hi currently I wish to create ios app using Cubism native SDK. I started my app from "Samples/Metal/Demo/proj.ios.cmake/build/proj_xcode_iphoneos/Demo.xcodeproj". From that project I tried to archived from scheme "Demo>Any iOS Device (arm64)", the archive success showed success status, but when I open the archive the content is empty. Is it actually possible to create archive from the project? Or are there any alternative to create the actual XCode project that can be archived and uploaded to Appstore Testflight? Thank you
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Thank you for always using our products.
In order to use the Archive feature, you will need to change some of the project settings in Sample Demo.
Please refer to the following page
The specific changes are,
1. Search for "Skip Install" in Project ➝ Build Settings,
NO Skip Install for TARGETS Demo,
Skip Install for TARGETS Framework to YES.
2. Search for "Installation Directory" in Project ➝ Build Settings,
Archive with $(LOCAL_APPS_DIR).
Thank you in advance.