Archive and Upload Metal Demo Sample to Testflight
Hi currently I wish to create ios app using Cubism native SDK. I started my app from "Samples/Metal/Demo/proj.ios.cmake/build/proj_xcode_iphoneos/Demo.xcodeproj". From that project I tried to archived from scheme "Demo>Any iOS Device (arm64)", the archive success showed success status, but when I open the archive the content is empty. Is it actually possible to create archive from the project? Or are there any alternative to create the actual XCode project that can be archived and uploaded to Appstore Testflight? Thank you
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I want to tell you that to create an archive from the "Samples/Metal/Demo" project using the Cubism native SDK, ensure all necessary build settings and schemes are correctly configured for release. If the archive is empty, try creating a new Xcode project and manually integrating the Cubism SDK and Metal demo source files. This approach can resolve configuration issues and facilitate a successful archive for TestFlight upload.