Live2d can't coexist with Sprite3D
I found that when I used Live2d. The sprite3d didn't work.
It appears like that the depth is closed.
It happens when the sprite added to the layer. The live2d init didn't change the setting.
Could you tell me what did you do in the live2d sprite drawing?
I'm Looking forward to your reply.
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Can you paste the relevant codes or errors which you are having this issue with?
Left is the Sprite3D with adding live2d node.
Right is the Sprite3D without adding live2d node.
The sprite3D problem appears.
I ask the cocos2d developer. It looks like the depth test is closed.
So I guess if there is any bugs in the function
live2d::DrawProfileCocos2D::postDraw() ;
void LAppLive2DManager::onUpdate()
L2DMatrix44 projection;
Director* director=Director::getInstance();
Size window=director->getWinSize();
projection.scale(1, window.width/window.height);
if (viewMatrix!=NULL) {
live2d::DrawProfileCocos2D::postDraw() ;
Can you tell me your development environment?
・cocos2d-x version
・Live2D SDK version
・platform(windows or Android or iOS)
・Live2D SDK version 2.0.06