[BUG] Glue binding generated ID exceeding maximum length
I just had this error when exporting my model:
[ERROR] java.lang.IllegalStateException: Id length is greater than 64
[ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.dw.d(Unknown Source)
[ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.a.a(Unknown Source)
[ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.J.a(Unknown Source)
[ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.x.a(Unknown Source)
[ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.x.a(Unknown Source)
[ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.b.a(Unknown Source)
[ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.b.a(Unknown Source)
[ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.f.a(Unknown Source)
[ERROR] at com.live2d.cubism.doc.model.exporter.f.invoke(Unknown Source)
[ERROR] at com.live2d.util.ad.a(Unknown Source)
[ERROR] at com.live2d.util.af.run(Unknown Source)
[ERROR] at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
Upon looking at the logs I noticed this line
[ERROR] ???????ID????? Glue__IV_tube_2__adjust_to_fit_angle_2__IV_tube_2__adjust_to_fit_angle_
One of the glue generated in the project has exceeded 64 characters limit, because the glued layers have a very long name.
Fortunately the error can be corrected just by editing the ID, however it wasn't obvious at first.
There should be a length validation check in the glue creation process.
I would like to see this corrected in future update.
Version: Live2D Cubism 4.2.02
Windows 10
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