I know this question has been asked a few times already and solved a couple too but after trying everything suggested that had worked for previous users, I am at my wits end and need help

I have been working with Live2D Cubism for a little over a year now and never had any issues with this either.
The Problem:
Every time I try to export my newest model for runtime it loads (displaying the loading bar and all) but nothing ends up saving on the computer. I already tried changing the glue ID to make sure nothing exceeds the character limit or something similar, I tried down sizing the model thinking that it's a RAM issue but similarly sized models export just fine.
I really need this exported so I hope someone can help me!
- Live2D Software Version: Cubism Editor 4.2 (1 Year Indie Licence)
- OS & Version: Windows 10 Pro
- PC Model: Motherboard: ASUS PRIME B460-PLUS
- Graphics Specifications: GTX 10850 12GB
- CPU: Intel Core i9-10900K CPU @ 3.70GHz, 3696 Mhz, 10 Core(s), 20 Logical Processor(s)
- Memory: 16GB 2666MHz
- Illustration Software used: Clip Studio Paint EX
I do not know what kind of screenshot I could take to exactly show the issue btw.
Thanks in advance for any help!
Thank you for your continued use of our product.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Please send us the following so we can look into the details.
Click here to go to the upload page.
-The model file where the problem occurred
-The full log file
Please refer to the following for how to obtain the full log file.
We apologize for the trouble and thank you in advance for your cooperation.
It's been a while.
Thank you very much for sending us the data.
We are in the process of checking it, please give us a few moments.
You also sent us an e-mail with the same contents.
Please allow us to skip replying to your e-mail,
We will respond to you in this community.
Sorry for the delay.
We have examined the data you sent us in detail.
It seems that there is a problem with "ringfingernail_L" and "ringfinger_L_02" Artmesh, where the images for the models do not exist or are not recognized.
1. Right-click on the "L3旋转"
2. Select the range including the child objects.
(It will not look as if it is selected because an error has occurred at this point)
3.Press the Delete key to delete it.
You can now save and export the file.
Please send us the full log file so we can look into why the problem occurred.
Please refer to the following for how to obtain the full log file.
Please tell us as much as you can remember about the modeling steps you took before the problem occurred.
Thank you for your inquiry.
Please leave a comment as I have other things I would like to confirm with you.
Or please create a new topic.
Also, in the future, please refrain from sending files without commenting.
We have no way to contact you.
(You may have entered an email address when you sent us the file, but we cannot verify it)