Hey everyone,
I created a Unreal Plugin that wraps the Native SDK, and integrates most of the Cubism Framework into Unreal Engine. If anyone is interested in using it, I would appreciate some feedback as well to improve it even further.
With the plugin you can import Live2D models and play motions. Expressions are currently still a work in progress.
It can be found here:
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Thank you for your contact.
This is Live2D Support.
Thank you for utilizing Cubism SDK.
This plugin is so interesting.
However, this repository contains Live2DCubismCore.h, which is prohibited for redistribution.
Please remove this file from the repository.
If necessary, I create an issue.
Also, may I introduce this plugin in "Community SDK"?
I have removed the header file from the repository.
Sure you can add it in the "Community SDK" section.
I have added the introduction of "Unreal Live2D SDK" to the "Community SDK" section.
Best regards.