(Bug) Warning appears twice when applying keys to more than 3 Parameters
It's the same message, just appears twice.
As a request, it would be nice to also have the option to not show the box during the session (Like the info screen that opens the first time you open Live2D in a day)
VBridger rigging as well as other advanced techniques can require more than 3 parameters and it becomes tedious to have to keep clicking through the warning!
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Thank you for your continued use of our product.
Thank you for reporting the bug.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
We plan to fix this issue sequentially in the future.
We have also shared your request with our development team.
We will keep them in mind for future development.
Thank you for continuing to work on it! It keeps getting better and better! Live2D is very fun
Thank you for your continued use of our product.
This bug has been fixed in the recently released version 4.2.01 beta1, and we hope you will check it out.
Thank you very much for reporting this issue.
We look forward to your continued support of Cubism Editor.
Thank you for the update! I appreciate Live2D's hard work and communication! You guys are awesome!
Thank you for always using our products.
This is Live2D support.
https://docs.live2d.com/en/cubism-editor-manual/updates5/#:~:text=The dialog box that appears when three or more parameters are mapped to a single object can now be hidden.
We have implemented your requests in version 5.0.06 beta1.
Please try.
Thank you very much for your valuable opinion.