I am getting errors when trying to export my model, log attached as file.
My setup is:
- Intel Core i3 4160
- 24 GB RAM
- Windows 10
Any idea why I seems to be running out of memory? The file is quite complext and now sitting at 170mb so I realize I may have to adjust something to mkae it less heavy but I am not sure what to do and how.
Any help would be appreciated!
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Thank you for your contact.
This is Live2D Support.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
It is possible that there is not enough memory space in the Cubism Editor due to other software.
Could you try restarting the PC and starting only the Editor to export the file?
If you can't solve the problem, could you reinstall the Cubism editor?
We appreciate your cooperation
Thank you.
I also tried exporting this on a different computer with the same result.
Any chance you could have a look at the file to see if there are things I could do to optimize it?
I have an earlier version of the model that is 150mb that I am able to export but with some additional changed the file is now 170mb and I have so far not been able to export that version.
Thanks for confirming.
Could you please provide us with a model(cmo3) file for our research?
If you don't want the data to be public, please send it via DM.
[How to send a direct message]
Click on my name, "kudo(Staff)".
My profile screen will open. Click on [Message] in the top right corner.
The message sending screen opens.
Click on the icon [Attach file] and select the file.
Click [Post Message] to send the message.
(Please compress the file. If the file is too large to be attached, use an upload site or similar)
We appreciate your cooperation
Thank you.
I'll send the file in a DM!
Thanks for providing the model.
As a result, we believe that the painting tool used to create the model is causing the model to require a large amount of memory.
Which painting tool did you use?
Your model may be high quality and originally large, but that is not the issue.
It seems that during the import of the original drawing, each part contains a larger than normal margin.
You can check this condition by selecting the parts in the Texture Atlas Editor or by viewing the contents of the original drawing in the Project Palette.
It appears that if your PC has 32 GB of memory, it can export your data.
You may also consider reducing the number of texture atlases.
Thank you!
Procreate is not our product and we cannot help you.
We recommend using a product that is guaranteed to work.
hope that helps!
Edit: Deleting a ton of stuff from my project tab seemed to have fixed it.