My PSD import keeps messing up in Live2D Cubism
As I said in title, I'm learning how to rig and whenever I import my PSD into Live2D, the head blush messes up. I tried looking up this issue but couldn't find anything online, can someone help explain to me how to fix this and what the issue is?
PSD File: File Import on Live2D:
0 ·
Thank you for your contact.
This is Live2D Support.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
There are some limitations when importing into the Cubism Editor.
Please check here.
Precautions for PSD creation( )
How to make import PSD ( )
If the problem persists despite the restrictions, please provide us with the psd file.
If you don't want the data to be public, please send it via DM.
[How to send a direct message]
Click on my name, "kudo(Staff)".
My profile screen will open. Click on [Message] in the top right corner.
The message sending screen opens.
Click on the icon [Attach file] and select the file.
Click [Post Message] to send the message.
(Please compress the file. If the file is too large to be attached, use an upload site or similar)
hope that helps!