Live2D Cubism is getting increasingly popular ouside of east asian and english speaking countries.
Sadly, there is currently no simple way to add custom translations.
So, I propose to provide a folder (%AppData%/translations) that can be used as an overlay for localized strings of the user interface.
This has the following benefits:
- The community could provide community-contributed translations (no official support required)
- Translations could grow incrementally and could be improved without the need for modifying the application
- Users could customize the text of the user interface according to their needs
The required modifications amount to roughly 100 lines of code and are only local to the class i18n_code.I18N_core.
Example code:
public final @NonNull String getText(@NonNull String str, @NonNull String... strArr) {
if (communityMap == null) {
final File translationsFolder = new File(jp.noids.util.Paths.getUserDataPath() + File.separator + "translations");
communityMap = loadMap(translationsFolder, "I18N_core3");
communityMap.putAll(loadMap(translationsFolder, "I18N_cubism3"));
communityMap.putAll(loadMap(translationsFolder, "cubism21/I18N_cn_cubism_proto"));
communityMap.putAll(loadMap(translationsFolder, "cubism21/I18N_cn_lib_core"));
communityMap.putAll(loadMap(translationsFolder, "cubism21/I18N_cn_lib_design"));
communityMap.putAll(loadMap(translationsFolder, "cubism21/I18N_cn_lib_flash"));
communityMap.putAll(loadMap(translationsFolder, "cubism21/I18N_cn_lib_image"));
communityMap.putAll(loadMap(translationsFolder, "cubism21/I18N_cn_lib_movie"));
String result = communityMap.get(str);
if (result == null) {
result = map.get(str);
if (result == null) {
result = findInOldMap(str);
private final @NonNull HashMap loadMap(@NonNull File directory, @NonNull String path) {
if (!directory.isDirectory()) {
return new HashMap<>();
Locale locale = Locale.getDefault();
Intrinsics.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(locale, "Locale.getDefault()");
List split = new Regex("\n").split(loadResourceFile(directory, path, locale.getLanguage()), 0);
List list = CollectionsKt.emptyList();
if (!split.isEmpty()) {
ListIterator listIterator = split.listIterator(split.size());
while (listIterator.hasPrevious()) {
if (!(((String) listIterator.previous()).length() == 0)) {
list = CollectionsKt.take(split, listIterator.nextIndex() + 1);
String[] lines = list.toArray(new String[0]);
HashMap hashMap = new HashMap<>();
for (String line : lines) {
int index = StringsKt.indexOf(line, SEPARATOR, 0, false);
if (index > 0) {
hashMap.put(line.substring(0, index), decode(line.substring(index + 1)));
return hashMap;
private final @NonNull String loadResourceFile(@NonNull File directory, @NonNull String path, @NonNull String locale) {
String resourceData = "";
try {
File basePath = new File(directory + File.separator + String.format("%s.txt", path));
if (basePath.isFile()) {
resourceData = resourceData + UtURL.readText(basePath.toURI().toURL(), "UTF-8");
if (locale != null && !Intrinsics.areEqual("en", locale)) {
File localePath = new File(directory + File.separator + String.format("%s_%s.txt", path, locale));
if (localePath.isFile()) {
resourceData = resourceData + UtURL.readText(localePath.toURI().toURL(), "UTF-8");
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
return resourceData;
Thank you for your request.
This is Live2D Support.
I have shared this request with the developers.
We will use this as a reference for future development.
Thank you very much!