How to make fade effect for live2D model in Unity?
The SDK version is Cubism Four SDK for Unity R3;The Unity version is 2019.4.2f1;The render pipline is URP;
Thanks for reading:)
My game using live2d as NPC on dialogue, I want to make some effect for them(e.g Fade in when NPC appear, fade out when NPC leaving)
It is simple to make fade effect for live2d if I using RenderTexture to show live2d. You know, just controlling alpha of the rawImage. But using RenderTexture is kind of expensive on mobile, especially there are 3 or more live2d in the scene.

So I am trying to modify the opacity of live2d model directly. But the performace does not good.

I suggest the problem is caused by alpha blend. So how should I solve this problem, it is really important for my dialogue performace.
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