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[BUG] Parameter panel is extremely bugged in latest beta 4.1.02 beta1

edited November 2021 in Help
I encountered this parameter panel bug in latest beta version.

I'm unable to reproduce the issue as the problem is going away after reloading the project, but I just want to raise the issue that the parameter panel has been quite bugged in this version. I'm looking forward to have it fixed before the stable version release.

For the record the parameters were imported from a CSV file from other project, if it mattered.


  • Hello, @Ran_TH .
    Thank you for your contact.
    This is Live2D Support.
    We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

    I understood your report.
    I have shared this bug with the developers.
    It will be fixed in a future update.

    We appreciate your cooperation
    Thank you.
  • Hello, @Ran_TH .
    This is Live2D Support.
    We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

    In order to investigate this issue in detail, we would like your cooperation in the following.
    Please send us the following items via DM.

    ・Full log file
    ・CSV file (imported into the model)
    ・The original cmo3 file from which the CSV file was derived
    ・The cmo3 file that caused the problem

    [How to get the log]
    Open Cubism Editor, click [Help] in the menu at the top of the screen,
    and then click [Open Log File] to get the log file.

    [How to send a direct message]
    Click on my name, "ueno(Staff)".
    My profile screen will open. Click on [Message] in the top right corner.
    The message sending screen opens.
    Click on the icon [Attach file] and select the file.
    Click [Post Message] to send the message.
    (Please compress the file. If the file is too large to be attached, use an upload site or similar)

    Also, am I correct in assuming that the procedure that causes this to occur is to manipulate
    "Show only the parameters active for selected objects" in the model that imported the CSV?
    If I am wrong, please let me know the steps you know.
    It's fine as far as you know.

    We appreciate your cooperation
    Thank you.
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