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Physic is not exporting with the model


I exported my avatar to Vtube Studio and everything works fine except physics part. The physics seems to not be working at all on Vtuber Studio, I'm not sure if its because I did it too stubble on Live2d?


  • Hello, @otternugget
    Thank you for your contact.
    This is Live2D Support.

    Does it work properly with Cubism Viewer?
    If it does, please contact the developer as it may be a third party product specification or configuration.
    If it does not work properly, please fill in the following information and send it back to us.

    Live2D Software Version: (e.g. Cubism Editor 4.1.00 beta1)
    OS & Version: (e.g. Windows 10, macOS HighSierra)
    PC Model: (e.g. MacBookPro 2017)
    Video card: (e.g. GeForce GTX 950M)
    CPU: (e.g. Intel Core i7-7700)
    Memory: (e.g. 8GB)
    Illustration Software used: (e.g. Photoshop, ClipStudio, SAI)
    Problem details: (e.g. screen movie)

    hope that helps!
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