My texture won't load, is it because the PC's system?
I have some Important problem here, that when I tried to open my .cmox file in my friend's PC, and the result is my texture won't loaded! I just surprised yet though that maybe it's caused by its low spec. I'd made my model before on my own laptop, which has Windows 10, Gforce8, 2GB RAM and that's the only thing I know just for now. Everything still fine, until I tried to open again the same model on a different PC. Here's what it looks like (both before and after)
after I have try this on another PC that has lower quality than my friend's but it's WORKING! What should I do then?
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Thanks for using Live2D!
Do you know by any chance the OpenGL version available on the pc that failed to display the textures?
I found trouble in the same way in Japan forum .
Please try to update your graphics board .
Thanks for the link!