Why are my clipping masks "leaking"?
Hello, i just started using Live2D 2.1 today and decided to test one of it new feature, "Masking", blinking turned out fine, but when i tried to mask the mouth area it doesn't appear normally. As you can see it have "border" around it (Masking Leak.jpg)

...which the original file doesn't (Masking leak Original.jpg)

Solution or Explanation is appreciated. Thanks!
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thanks for your interest in Live2D. I guess you are referring to the "border" around the mouth. Please try the following three things unless already done:
1) In the Live2D Modeler enable "Apply the Dropped Color Prevention to texture" when exporting the moc file.
2) Within Unity make sure that "Alpha Is Transparency" is enabled for the texture(s) that the model is using. You can find those settings in the inspector when selecting the corresponding texture asset.
3) Make sure that in the same settings "Format" is set to "Truecolor".
However this is happened in the Modeler. I haven't export it.
Great work for your first day with Live2D by the way!
I always try every limit of a feature. This means i must be careful on creating mouth and it's movements. Thanks again!