Artmesh not Snapping to layer when imported brought over a psd I exported from Procreate and when I loaded it in, every layers bounding box is the size of the canvas. The object still moves if I adjust the box, but every tutorial I've been watching has had it basically outlined around the specific layer. I'm just wondering how to fix this because I am still new to the software and have no idea what is wrong. I'm on Editor 5.2.02
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I found out the bug from this video
The solution it seems is to just expand the canvas a bit in CSP and then export it again as a PSD.
I did try the same method with GIMP and was unsuccessful. So it seems like the move is to just use CSP.
The key difference I noticed was that when it doesn't work there are no images next to each individual layer on the warp deformer area. But when I went through CSP they all showed up so I'm assuming that means it works.